Friday, December 31, 2010

Children's Rights

I've been following several different stories involving children being harmed,even murdered while in the care of a parent or step-parent.I know sadly  this is nothing new,children have lost their lives at the hands of those who were supposed to love & protect them since the beginning of time but I get very angry when the parental right's issue comes up since many times these tragedies might not have had the chance to evolve had the courts decided a child's right to be safe & protected trumped any so-called parental rights.Is it really in the best interest of any child when a Judge grants un-supervised visitation to a parent who's made documented threats to cause harm to those children?Or a parent who engages in a life style that has the potential to cause harm.There was a case here in Rockville, Maryland a few years back where Mom fought Dad in court over visitation of their 3 very young children because he  had made threats to harm the children as revenge for her divorcing him.Judge decided it was in the best interest of those 3 children to have un-supervised parenting time despite Mom's objection's and concern's.During one of those visit's he murdered his 3 children and killed himself.A selfish,cowardly act that snuffed out the lives of 3 children who had their whole lives ahead of them and left a mother without her children. She now will spend a lifetime mourning the loss of her children ,a nightmare that could have been avoided had someone cared about the rights of those children.But spending time with their father was.... "in their best interest". I hope there are some serious changes to the Family Law system ,changes that protect the children not the biological tie.