Thursday, February 3, 2011

It seems almost surreal that it's been almost 2 years since my beloved son left us to dance with the Angels.A lot has happened in these 2 years and it's always bitter sweet that he hasn't been here to go through all these new experiences.His little brother left for Navy boot camp last month.Danny would think this is the greatest thing ever.Danny loved when the recruiter's would come to the High School.He'd come home all excited with all the neat little ;goodies" they'd give him.I still have all of his beloved military treasures.With Danny having Down Syndrome there was the  reality that he would not be able to join but why take away his dream and I never told him he couldn't.I don't cry as much as I used to.They say the years 2-4 are the "reality" years and you start to accept.I can accept that it was his time to leave us,given the disease that took him,the alternative would have been life lived as a virtual prisoner. I don't know what the lesser of two evil's would be, my selfish desire to still have my son here with me or to unselfishly let him go knowing he would not have had a good quality of life.I guess the higher power's that be compassionately made that decision for him and thankfully he left us peacefully with no pain.Danny's 22nd birthday is coming up in April,we all keep getting older and he's forever "almost" 20.He passed 12 days before his 20th birthday so that was a very hard day to get through because he should have been at home eating cake and picking out his birthday present.Last birthday when he'd have  been 21 his eldest brother wanted to take him out for a non-alcoholic beer ,he had been planning that for a few years and it's heart-breaking he never got the chance.I am thankful for the video's and picture's of my boy.I can see his face,his smile,hear his voice & laughter,nothing ever takes away the heart-ache you just learn to live with it as your constant companion.Life is never the same,you are never the same....